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the process, and working with me

There can be many reasons to "do the work" with a professional:

- Do you from the outside live a good life, but feel a void and unfulfilled on the inside?

- Do you experience feelings of being "stuck in life" ?

- Do you feel disconnected from yourself? 


Sometimes we may not even be able to identify what's missing, but we feel "off", or disconnected - we may just know that we want more out of ourselves, our relationships and our lives.

an integrative approach works!


My clients are usually highly functional, successful and established on the outside, but struggle on the inside with issues such as anxiety, emptyness, impostor syndrome and recurring limiting beliefs and unhelpful behavior patterns in their relationships and other areas of life. Although very accomplished, many feel like they live very unfulfilling lives and bottle this up.


Creating change requires reflection and action


Sometimes we get stuck, maybe even paralyzed and that in itself is an obstacle to achieving our goals. We all  need support to identify our goals, so that we can move from words to action.


More often than not, clients manage more daily tasks but get stuck with solving their own personal problems, or struggle with getting ahead professionally, emotions get involved and it can be difficult to be rational. We work solution-oriented, identify your obstacles,  verbalize your goals and devise a strategy for how to go about achieving the goals.



How do you talk to yourself? What limiting beliefs are in play? Who are you at work?

Are you actionable when it comes to solving your own problems?

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” 

Carl Jung

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