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Unfortunately there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about therapy,

here are some common ones: 


#1  - psychotherapy is just talking



Psychotherapy isn’t passive. What we are often seeing on television, where therapists just sit and listen and nods is as stereotypical as it gets. 


Truth is, therapy is a shared process, its interactive and collaborative and is based on an active dialoge with the client, requiring engagement and mutual problem solving. If required the client is even given homework assignments so that they can log, learn new skills and learn about topics that come up in between sessions. 


#2 - Therapists have ready made solutions for all of life’s problems.



There is no one size fits all solution. A good therapist will customize treatment sessions based on what the needs of the clients are. 


To enable change, therapists will look for patterns and themes that embed the clients story and provide necessary feedback accordingly. 


Therapists help clients identify specific problems, set goals and monitor progress to promote growth and progress


#3 Psychotherapy solves problems in 1 or 2 sessions



Unlike what’s portrayed on TV, this isn’t the case unfortunately. An average session lasts around 50 minutes where the first session comprises of an initial assessment made by your therapist. This is to discuss the issues that have brought you to therapy and to get to know you better and for you, the client to get a feel of the therapist. 


Depending on the needs and goals of the therapy a plan will be made where the number of sessions required are decided.


#4 Therapy turns you into another person



Therapy is about maximizing your potential so that you can live the life you want to live - not to turn you into someone else. 


A good therapist helps clients become the best versions of themselves, so that they can live a true and authentic life, by their own standards


#5 Therapy forces you to take medication



Therapists don’t prescribe medication, dr’s or psychiatrists do. Medication might be a complement to therapeutic treatment, but that depends on severity and presenting concerns. If medication is a a concern, it’s something that you can discuss with your therapist


#6 Therapy is for broken or failed people



We can all get stuck and need help sometimes, and sometimes it helps to speak to an “outsider” who has the tools and qualifications to help. It shouldn’t be wrong to ask for help and it doesn’t mean that they have failed. Most people have tried to solve their problems on their own, but have simply found that it’s not enough. Think of it this way, if you are experiencing pain in your body, don’t you go to find a doctor? So why is it so wrong if you’re experiencing emotional pain and get professional help to feel better? 


Once you start making the effort to “wake yourself up” – that is, be more mindful in your activities – you suddenly start appreciating life a lot more” 


Roberts Biswas Diener

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