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6 ways to change your thoughts and Improve Self-Esteem

Don't focus on letting go, instead focus on what you want to let into your life. Focus on the exciting feelings, relationships or habits that will improve your life.

Avoid all-or-nothing thinking. Don't use terms like never, always, nothing, or every. Change your thoughts by looking for an alternative, a grey area.

Talk to yourself differently. Ask yourself: "How would my best friend or parent support me and help me in this situation?".

Give yourself credit for the small things. Even if you are not done with a project, take a moment to focus on what you've achieved so far.

Get grateful. Take a minute to think of everything in this moment that you're really grateful for.

Improve the moment. Do something that interrupts the negative thoughts (call a friend, listen to a funny podvast or turn up the music).

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